Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Psychology 101.Chapter 7

Psychology 101.Chapter 7

Q 1. Which of the following best describes how classical conditioning might be used to treat a fear of heights? 2. Knowing how to do something, like ride a bicycle or drive a car, is referred to as: 3. Because you associated your waitress at a restaurant with food, you may start to salivate when you see her carrying your food over to you. According to classical condition, your waitress is a(n): 4. When the consequence of a behavior increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated – for example, when a food pellet rolls down the chute after a rat pushes the correct lever- the behavior is said to have been:5. Natalie’s mother has found her smoking cigarettes again and immediately confiscates Natalie’s car keys in an effort to deter her from smoking in the future. This is an example of:

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1.c. A therapist shows her patient a video of a person standing on the observation deck of a skyscraper while helping him relax. 2.c. Procedural knowledge 3.b. Conditioned stimulus 4.c. Reinforced 5.d. Negative punishment